ICS 2022

WORKSHOP PROGRAM -「Ubiquitous Cybersecurity and Forensics」

International Computer Symposium (ICS),2022

Time and Venue

Date: December 15-17, 2022

Venue: National Taipei University of Business, Taoyuan.

Aim and Scope

International Computer Symposium (ICS 2022) will be held in National Taipei University of Business, Taoyuan, Taiwan during December 15-17, 2022. ICS is one of the largest joint international IT symposiums held in Taiwan. Founded in 1973, it is intended to provide a forum for researchers, educators, and professionals to exchange their discoveries and practices, and to explore future trends and applications in computer technologies. The biennial symposium offers a great opportunity to share research experiences and to discuss potential new trends in the IT industry.

2022 Workshop on Ubiquitous Cybersecurity and Forensics

Intends to provide a forum for researchers, educators, and professionals to exchange their discoveries, practices and cutting-edge research achievements covering those aspects of security with the forensics, AI , computing services and applications. The workshop also explores future trends and applications in these areas and other related areas. Your Participation at the workshop would be an excellent opportunity for you to meet other researchers and to discuss the technology advancements. The 2022 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2022) will be held on DEC. 15-17, 2022 @ National Taipei University of Business, Taoyuan.

Topic of Interests

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
* Digital forensics surveillance technology and procedure
* Authentication and privacy in security
* Multimedia security
* AI security
* Medical protection systems
* Network attack and defense program studies
* Information leakage in conglomerate
* Information hiding, malicious code, and steganography
* Attack and cryptanalysis in network systems
* Copyright protections and personal privacy
* Mobile service and security in applications
* Technology law related privacy and protection
* Personal privacy and medical security in internet applications
* Phishing and online fraud preventions
* Applied/commercial cryptography
* Commercial cryptographic applications
* Information Law with personal privacy
* Custody of evidence chain in networking systems
* Security and privacy in wireless communications
* Integrity of digital evidence and live investigations
* Incident response and investigation in communications
* Location privacy and authentication in vehicle systems
* Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) security
* Security and privacy in ubiquitous computing and context-aware applications
* Forensic analysis and tracing traitors
* RFID applications and security countermeasures
* Cyberstalking investigations in network activities
* Web services/XML forensics
* Computer and network security and applications
* Formal methods in network forensic computing
* Legal, ethical and policy issues in network forensics
* Social networking forensics
* Cloud forensics
* Network forensics case studies
* Data mining for evidence trace in networks
* Multimedia analysis for forensics
* Communication protocols in network forensics
* Network forensics
* Fraud detection
* Cloud computing security


Journal Publication Recommendations

International Journal of Network Security (EI)
Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (EI)
Sensors (SCIE)
Journal of Supercomputing (SCI)
Journal of Information, Technology, and Society
Information Sciences (SCI)
Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (中正嶺學報) (EI)
IEEE Access (SCI)
Symmetry (SCIE)
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (SCIE)

Important Dates

Full paper submission: September 30, 2022  October 7, 2022(AoE)  (Submission link
and select Workshop – Ubiquitous Cybersecurity and Forensics

Paper notification: October 22, 2022  October 31, 2022

Camera-ready paper due date: October 31, 2022 November 15, 2022

Conference Dates: December 15~17, 2022